Our pandemic response
In these troubled and troubling days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Little Mercies and One Story at a Time are combining efforts to help a number of people in shelters in Mexican border towns confront the peril with food, medicine, masks, and hygiene products.
We provide essentials for vulnerable youth.
Our current focus is migrant children living in the poorest of conditions while awaiting court dates in towns along the Mexican-American border.
One backpack with essential items, offering basic decency. One blanket gifted. One child with shoes to protect her feet. One child with a pillow, and a bandage for his blisters. A journal to draw in. Crayons to create. One coat.
One possibility.
You are not a mistake and neither are they.
One child at a time: Little Mercies
Proveemos artículos básicos para jóvenes vulnerables.
Nuestro enfoque actual está en los niños migrantes que viven en condiciones de pobreza extrema mientras esperan una fecha para acudir a un juicio migratorio en pueblos adyacentes al frontera México-Americana.
Les proporcionamos una mochila con artículos básicos, ofreciéndoles así una manera de sentirse presentables. Se les regala una cobija. Zapatos para proteger los pies de un niño. Una almohada para un niño y curitas para sus ampollas. Un diario en el cual pueden dibujar/escribir. Crayones para ser creativos. Un saco.
Una posibilidad.
Tú no eres un error y tampoco lo son ellos.
Un niño a la vez: Little Mercies
every parent’s child
Every parent and caretaker has packed a backpack for their child.
Take Action
Learn how you can make a difference with just a $5 donation.
“‘Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.’
– Mahatma Gandhi
Especially heartbreaking is the suffering of children in our world. When the idea of Little Mercies was brought to me by Nicole Jon Sievers, it made absolute sense; yes, we can do this small thing that would help make a child’s life better one backpack at a time. ”
“What I didn’t expect was the pure love from these children who still felt held by invisible threads of goodness and a belief in human kindness. What I didn’t expect was that even the dirt felt like sanctuary and ease from what they left behind.”